Requirements for Teen Drivers under 18 years old :
MUST have a valid learner's Permit and MUST have held the permit for a minimum of 6 months.
MUST be at least 16 years old.
MUST have completed an approved Teen Driver Education program:( 32 hours classroom and 14 hours ofin-car instruction), and MUST have a DE- 964 form (Driving School) and/or PT- 964 (Parent-Taught), which shows completion of the Teen Driver Education Course.
MUST watch and complete the 2-hour online video (IMPACT TEXAS TEEN DRIVERS) (ITDD), with a print out of the certificate showing completion. (Note: the certificate expires 90 days from the date of issue).
Requirements for Young Adults Drivers:
MUST be between the ages of 18 and 24 years.
MUST have a Valid Texas learner's Permit.
MUST watch the One-hour Impact Young Drivers video and have a printed valid completion certificate, (this expires 90 days from the date of issue).
Requirements for Adult Drivers Ages 25 years and older.
MUST have a valid Texas Learner's Permit.
MUST watch the One-hour Impact Texas Young Drivers video and have a printed completion certificate, (this expires 90 days from the date of issue).
(Find the link to the Impact videos under Resources on our website).